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Music Performance - custom hearing protection for musicians and workers

Custom Earplugs
Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection Overvew
Hearing protection for musicians - electric guitar player

Musicians’ Earplugs

It can be difficult to hear the inner tones for musicians with traditional earplugs. The musician's earplugs as hearing protection are designed to protect the ear without distorting the music. They come in different filters depending on the loudness exposure. Custom-made musician earplugs fit deeply in the ear canal protecting better the hearing with maintaining the quality of the sounds. Your audiologist will recommend which filter is the most appropriate for the music or noise level you are exposed to protect your hearing.

Musician Earplugs
Sleeping Earplugs

Sleepers’ Earplugs

Sleeper earplugs block out unwanted noise while resting. They are made from a softer silicon material than other hearing protection, which makes them more comfortable for sleeping. 

Custom earplugs for sleep - man sleeping peacefully
Swimmers Earplugs
Custom earmolds - swimmers earplugs

Swimmers’ Earplugs

When moisture enters the ear canals, it can cause itchiness, pain, and infection. This may lead to a condition called a swimmer’s ear, which can cause permanent hearing loss if untreated. Swimmers’ plugs stops water from getting in the ear and floats on water.

Custom Noise plugs

Occupational Noise
Protection Earplugs

High decibel levels in the workplace are a leading cause of hearing loss. Even though the use of hearing protection in industrial settings has been mandated, standard earplugs don’t always offer adequate protection from noisy equipment and machinery. Custom industrial-strength earplugs provide hearing protection for the most extreme high decibel situations. They range from in-the-ear to over-the-ear versions based on the level of protection needed. We also recommend to get a hearing test on regular basis if you are working or exposed to high level noise. 

Occupational noise protection earplugs - industrial strength earplugs

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